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Saturday, 13 October 2007


Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat.
Kami sekeluarga ingin memohon maaf zahir dan batin kepada semua rakan dan sahabat..
Berhati-hati di jalan raya, duit raya anak jangan pulak diambil buat belanja barang dapur yek..
Azli, Anis, Imran & Hani

Monday, 8 October 2007

Baking for dummies II

The result of the cheesecake..... as expected.. presentation... FAILED. hihihi...
But, (with a big grin) food critics from in-laws were very good. they don't really mind the look. But I passed the test. The cake was a success. For a very amateur baker. HAHA! really, I followed the steps, what's the worse that could happened? Know what, I take that back. Anything could have happened.
Last week my cousin passed away. The nite of 2nd Oct. He had been on life support due to lung failure after a tragic accident. He was 26 years old. Still young. Same age as my sister. He was a good man, a good son and a good brother. I don't know really well. Haven't met him for quite some time. There are cousins which I have not met in years. Don't even know that I have new member in the family. My sister just told me another cousin of ours got a a baby on 16th of August. And I didn't even know his wife was pregnant. Fortunately I was informed when he got married. Heh!
Back to my late cousin. He was known to me as a rebel. A school drop-out and 'mat rempit'. Yet, he has my resect because no matter how rebellious he can be, he always come back to his family. Making sure mother and little brother are all right. Sis told me that his little brother did not join them for the funeral. For 2 reasons. One he got his PMR papers and two, he just could not handle the loss. He was close, very close to him. He was the one encouraging him to go to school, helped with his studies and all.
To my aunty, be strong. I know with the loss it would take her quite a time to recover. She was in an out the ICU taking care of her son. To his little brother, be brave and continue his legacy. The good ones. To my cousin, I give you my prayers.. and Al-fatihah....

Saturday, 6 October 2007

Baking for dummies

Yeap.. baking for dummies. Not that I've never baked before. It's just my baking era ended almost 2 decades ago. Since lots have changed during these few years, technology and all, I have to go back to the very basic of baking.
My first try was the simplest cupcake recipe available. Still I ruined them. How..? Unable to fill in the cups with appropriate amount. Taste.. OK. Presentation.. FAILED miserably...
Second attempt, white chocolate cheesecake. Got it from magazine. Taste.. OK. Presentation.. SO-SO. Unfortunately... the base, biscuits crumbs mixed with butter.. too loose. It crumbles as I cut the cakes.
Third attempt, not willing to give up. heh! Chocolate cake. Taste.. OK. Presentation.. FAILED miserably again! Hubby said my cake tasted like brownies. Not sure whether a good one or not.
Tonite I'm taking a second try on the cheesecake. Actually hubby asked me to bake another one. For 'buka puasa' with extended family. (Hubby's family always buka puasa together every Saturday during ramadhan.) And I made the worst mistake ever! As I added the eggs into the batter, I did not mixed it as quickly as I should've. Therefore I do not have a smooth batter. MY CAKE IS RUINED BY MY STUPIDITY IN BAKING 101!!!! And I'm going to serve this to people.. aarrgghhh!!! Right now the cake is baking in the oven. I have no idea how the result is going to be. I do not care! Hehe.. Actually I do. I do care.

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Sayaaaaang Baby Hani...!!

Picture was taken using phone camera, hence the poor quality.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Toddler vs Baby

And they say sibling rivalry is not an issue. Hah!!! How wrong can they be.
There's no argument that Imran adores his little sister. Though it can be a little bit extreme. But he does adores her. HOWEVER! Any object that was once belonged to him, is his forever! No way his little sister is getting them. It does not matter that he no longer using them or it does not belonged to him literally. Let me explain...
I was packing to go back to my parents house in Jengka, Pahang. We did not get basket or seat for baby cause I thought we can use Imran's car seat since he no longer using them. Luckily mother-in-law insisted that we test for safety first, as it revealed a serious issue. One bawling toddler screaming as he refuse to let Hani use his car seat which was given my hubby's auntie.
Fortunate for me he does not remember the bath tub, clothes, and a couple more things. Toys definitely a no-no. He's not sharing. Hopefully I can break that.
Another incident. I was carrying Hani upstairs to mother-in-law's room to check on Imran. Hani was asleep in arms so I laid her on MIL's bed. Took a blanket to cover her. To my surprise, Imran jumped onto the bed trying to push Hani off the bed while crying out that he wanted to sleep. I was stunned for a second til I realized that he was puling the blanket I used for Hani. Blanket belongs to MIL and she often used it for Imran when he slept there. Just because he used it a few times, his sister does not have the right to use it. Peh!
Right now Hani does not have any clue on what's going on. It'll take time for her to realize what's going on. Just hope she's ready to fight for her rights. HAHA!!!
I know about sibling rivalry cause I went through it with my sister. We got over it, eventually. Took us 20 years though.. HAHAHA!! Wonder how a brother-sister rivalry will work out in the future...