Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, 29 September 2008

Family gathering....?

Ever since I got married, I rarely see or visit relatives from my side. We don't really have family gathering unless someone is getting married or passed away. Sad isn't it? Even for Eid, I know I have trouble keeping yup with family visits. But I can easily remember Hubby's family. Even their birthday months. For close family of course. And here I can barely name my own cousin from my dad's side. Hahaha...
My dad has 5 sisters and 3 brothers. One brother passed away few years back. All together 10 siblings. I have around 50 first cousins from my dad's side. Some of them has gotten married and have children of their own. My mom's side? 7 siblings from her mother and I think another 6 from her stepmother. Forgive my ignorance. Not exactly my fault. Hehe.. yeah right, Blame others. Anyway, I have around 30 cousins from her side. And of course they have also got married and have children of their own.
I know I should keep strong ties with family. But it's not easy when when you have that many to keep up with. And not to mention those who doesn't want to have anything to do with you. Yes, I have that kind of relatives, too.
Sometimes I envy my MIL's family. They have family get-together almost every month. Usually to celebrate birthdays. I can remember their birthdays and not my cousins. I can barely remember what year they were born. How sad that is. But I know I'm not alone. I know I'm not the only one who's unable to remember their cousins name let alone their birth year. Unless I have someone who can create a database for their personal details, I don't I will ever know. Hahaha....
I wonder if someone were to initiate family gathering for my dad's side, how would that turn out? Definitely need a very large place to accommodate loads of family. Hmm...

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...

to all my friends. Have a good journey back to your hometown. Have a very happy and blessed Eid Mubarrak!!!

Get Hari Raya Graphics Here

Hubby, Anis, Imran and Hani

Friday, 26 September 2008

House cleaning and PMS

I have less than one week to do house cleaning and clear all the boxes. Apparently I have boxes all over the house. But these few days has not given me the right encouragement to do so.
Hubby got gastric attack and had to take MC. The next he was down with fever and decided to work from home. Isn't it nice to be able to do that? Anyway, his gastric problem is not yet cleared and his body has been aching for days. All I can do is give a simple massage, that's about it. I'm no masseuse. Hehehe...
To make matter worse, I had a mild emotional breakdown today. Hahaha... There's a very good reason why I do not take day nap. Apart from the throbbing headache, I will definitely be a little bit grumpy and has the tendency to loose my temper. Especially when I have things to do and it goes haywire when I took this unnecessary nap. I woke up at 6.40 pm to a question Hubby asked. What's for Iftar? Arrgghhh!!! I got up, went downstairs, realized that I haven't taken out anything from the fridge. I need to defrost everything in the microwave! Dirty dishes in the sink, my laundry is not done. And the hall was a complete mess!! I started collecting dirty mugs and sending them in the sink with loud banging. Huhuhu.. Went through the fridge, took out fish, chicken and lamb. Then cleared dirty dishes. Cling, Clang, Clong! I was seriously in a very bad mood for the next 5 minutes. Went back to the fridge to see what greens do I have to prepare. By this time Hubby was already upset. He came to me asking do I want to go out for a dinner? Since it was kind of late for Iftar. I just kept quite....
Then he asked me what was wrong with me? In a good way and started to pull me away from the fridge. he then asked me. 'Are you tired? If you are then let's go out to eat.' I was so stunned that I couldn't do anything but cried! Hahaha... I know, I know. Pathetic, ain't it? Hubby walked me to the sofa and started making jokes. Asking Hani to come and see mummy's crying. Imran was still asleep upstairs. If not he would've come to me and started to stroke my hair. Hahaha...
Instead of Pre-Menstrual-Syndrome, I've got Post-Menstrual-Syndrome.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

My Choice: BF Part II

Ever since I started full BF to my babies, there has been a mixture of opinions from the so-called expert. Some say my babies are not getting enough nutrition due to the lack of milk intake. Just because I only gave them BM and no formula for their first year, they tend to judge my children according to their size. And now since Imran has turn 3 and he weigh around 13kg, I still hear comments about him not getting nutrition from the early years. For goodness sake I really wanted to give them a good smack on the head if I can. If the doctors say my babies are fine. Then they are fine. Yes my kids are a little bit small in size. compared to some children their age. But so was I during my younger and smaller years. What about some children who had to loose weight on doctors advice? Should that be a more worrying matter than picking on my kids?
I know this lady. She's a housewife. She can cook and she can sew. She has all the skills to be a homemaker but decided it's too tedious and energy consuming. The family sole income comes from husband's pay as a factory worker. They are blessed with 4 beautiful children. Out 4, she only BF her third because he refused formula. (Good for him!) She chose not to BF because... just cause. Despite the insufficient income she decided it's not convenient to BF her children. Only God knows how I wanted to strangle her and give her a good shake just to get through her thick skull.
I know mothers out there who are trying very hard to get BM. Trying advices and tips from elders and experts on how to increase supply. From shark's fin to papaya leaves. Modern supplements. And here is this lady who just chose not to BF her children just because she doesn't feel like doing it. To make matters worse, they just bought whatever milk they can afford. Because they don't have enough money to get the best. Well, I can't say or do anything now. They're children are all grown up. I just hope I don't meet others like this. I think one family is enough. If you can BF your children, do so. And if you can't afford formula, why in the world would you not BF your babies? With price hike coming every second, think of how much money you can save by giving you baby the best milk Allah has given us as mothers.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

uMobile Advert

The Henna Lady reminds me of my first AM back in the working years. My one and only job I have ever got. Hahaha.. She was the best 1st boss anyone good ever wished for. Our team became the best at everything we did because she pushed us to do so. Some of us even called her Mama due to the facts she was in fact mothering us with her love. I missed her so much!

My Choice: BF

Ever since I started my daily routine of blog-hopping, I have come across loads of opinions and comments about breast-feeding. Some were educational while some turns out to have very cruel comments for non-BF mothers. I can't judge those to made negative remarks because it their own opinions and hearsay.
I was brought up with Dumex (Membesar bagai johan!). My mom ran out of supply after a few months of giving birth. I'm not sure why but it happened. But to make do of her being unable to BF me, she never once fed me instant baby food. You know, all those nestle products. 4-5 tablespoon mixed with warm water and walla! A very nutritional food for your growing baby. Huhuhu... She will make sure I eat what she cooked. She was a working mom and still going strong. She was the one giving a full support to continue BF when some people just say bluntly that it's not enough. She was pretty well educated with the benefits of BM even though she didn't have the chance to that for her children. I'm proud of my mother for giving me the support I needed. I was in pain when my son, Imran, refused BM during his first few months. He was first fed with formula because no one told me I can request for BF. Of course Hubby was there too. She insisted that I fully BF my babies since I've got unlimited supply of it. Haha.. seriously. I have to where breast pad even when I go to sleep or I'll end up with milk pool on the bed sheet. Hahah... GROSS? Bare with me. Once he was hooked on BM, he completely refuse the bottle. When I say bottle, I mean bottle. So no formula, no EBM and the hardest part, no water. I had to spoon feed him with water. Due to this problem, I taught him to use straw bottle as soon as possible.
As for getting sick, I can't say Bfed babies does not get sick. Hani was admitted for 4 days in PMC due to viral fever and she's fully BF. Imran rarely fallen sick. A few case of high temperature but nothing that couldn't be dealt with a panadol syrup. Hihihi... He hates the coolfever stuck to his forehead.
I weaned Imran when he was around 20 months old. I was not so keen on tandem nursing. I don't exactly know why. Heheh.. Plus people been telling me not to. The elders I mean. I personally was not comfortable with tandem nursing. But I applaud to those who does. They got courage to do so. I just simply chickened-out. Hahaha..

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Blogging from Jengka

Hubby has successfully set up wireless Internet connection for my parents house. Guess from now on I'll be asking Hubby to bring along his laptop whenever we visit. Haha...
It has been a tiring day staring from the second we woke up. Yes, I went back to bed after Subuh. Hubby too. He came back late the night before after hanging out with his colleague after work. After packing our bags, I had to help Hubby to load the glass display cabinet he has managed to sell to a cybercafe owner in Subang. It was seriously heavy and my fingers kept getting squashed by the sliding door. I can barely push the dang let alone lifting it to get into the back of the truck. But I guess I underestimated myself when we did it. Anyway, when we greeted by this one very blur fellow at the cafe. When Hubby asked is there anyone else to help carry the cabinet inside he had this oh-I-have-to-help-you-carry-it? look. After waiting for him for quite some time, (he had the nerve to tell Hubby to wait because he was busy) I told Hubby to take it out of the truck ourselves and take the money and leave. And we did. My hand hurt like nothing. Haha.. I'm exaggerating.
We stopped by at Digital Mall in PJ to get the router for my sister. Did some window shopping. Then Hubby teased me by offering me a new phone on the way out. Cheh! Of course I want a new phone. But then again, I'm content with the one I have right now. Hehe.. Hubby bought his Iphone and gave me his Sony Ericson. I'm blessed with hand-me-down gifts. Huhuhu...
Hubby drove until Bentong Tol then I took over since Hani was comfortably sleeping in her car seat. I wished I had bought myself some caffeine drinks to keep me awake by the time we reached our exit. Haha.. I got the red flag from fasting! Finally arrived at our destination around 5 pm. Imran and Hani slept all the way. What a relief!

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Away for the weekend

I'll be on the way to Jengka to my parents house in a couple of hours time. I still have clothes and diapers to pack. Huhuhu.. I hate packing. But I loathe unpacking. Especially clearing out the dirty laundries.
Anyway, ever since my parents moved to Jengka due to work commitment, people seems to have the misinterpretation that is my hometown. Can't blame them though, my wedding was held in Jengka. Heheh... Especially with Hubby's family. His uncles and aunts would ask me the very same question every year. Will I go back to Jengka for Eidulfitri. Now why would I want to spend raya there when even my parents would not be there? Hahaha.. They will either go back to my mom's hometown or my dad's. My mom's from the east coast. While my dad's from central region. As for me I have always considered the east coast as my hometown. I spent most of my early years there. Hehehe...
I go to Jengka to visit my parents. I don't really know anyone there. By the time they moved, I was already in Cyberjaya, cracking my head to figure out how to graduate with good result. Which I kind of suck at it. Hahaha...!!!
I'll be spending the weekend in Jengka to get the chance to Iftar with my family. Truth be told I don't really enjoy my stay in Jengka. No, I don't have problem with my parents. I don't like the atmosphere. How do I explain this. It's like a ghost town to me. Sorry Jengka poeple. Guess I've gotten used to a busy town where you can here cars and motors racing through the night. The other reason is the cats! Don't get me wrong. I adore cats. I used have a pet cat. No wait, not one but several. Until I found I was allergis to them. And turns out so is Hubby. Can't say about the kids though, but I'm not taking any chances.
I wonder what exquisite delicacy my dad will serve us for Iftar today. Hmm... Can't wait! See you guys next week! Have good weekend everyone!!!

Friday, 19 September 2008

Doting Abang Imran

In previous post I forgot to write down about Hani's thing about blankets. She hates them. Actually she hates being covered with blankets or anything alike. Even when Hubby tried to cover her exposed feet she would immediately kick the blanket and whine until it's gone off. Eyes shut. Heheh...
So it really surprised me when this happened. Imran always goes to sleep after his precious sister has fallen asleep. Unless he was too tired to keep awake. And tonight was no difference, after I had put Hani on the bed, I continue with my blog-hopping and some online games. Imran will set himself right beside Hani and put his arm around her. Usually I had to warn Imran not to do that because Hani hates being hugged. She get this suffocating feeling. Not to blame her anyway, Imran seems to like the idea of wrapping his arm around Hani's neck. Not tonight. He didn't even try to hug Hani. But to my surprise when I glanced to see if everything was okay, I saw Hani was covered from chest down with my blankets. And she did not stir one bit. I was completely speechless. It took her doting brother to make her feel safe in blankets.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

On Imran and Hani

I've been meaning to put some updates about the kids. Being such a forgetful mother, I tend to talk about something else. Heheh...

1. Able to recognize alphabets. Though we're having argument for the small letter. But still, spending hours on Pooh and the Hunny Pots game did give a very good experience on recognizing letters.
2. I recently notice he will draw eyes and a mouth every time he gets hold of a pencil/pen on papers. I should start with writing alphabets then. But how do you teach 3-year-old the right way to hold a pen?
3. His vocabulary is getting on a very fast pace. English and Malay. he can differentiate the words and understands that it has the same meaning. He's been using the work open for 'buka'. Each and every time he wants to 'buka' something, he'll say open. I'm going to have difficulty on clarifying the difference between opening the door and taking off his clothes. He uses open for both.
4. Still trying to potty-train him. He has gotten the idea that he needs to inform me when he pooped. But there were times when he completely baffles me when he said he pooped when he did not. Why does he do that? No idea!

1. Still no teeth. 13 months and not one single tooth.
2. Able to walk forward and backward. Even going on sideways. But definitely prefers to walk than crawl. Unless she's chasing after Hubby at the door. Crawling is way faster.
3. One thing I realized about her, she doesn't like being hugged. She will decide who and when to hug. I guess she has a problem with intimacy? Hehe... Unlike Imran who sleeps with my hands wrapped around him, Hani would just pushed me away. I have been unable to feed her while sitting. She does not want to sit on my lap during feeding. She wants me to lie down and feed her. Arrgghh.. Not easy to do when I want to watch my favourites show on tv. I hate watching tv lying on thw sofa.
4. She can dance very well. Hahahaha... With her hands movement and hip twisting. Girl, you're going to drive boys crazy with those moves. Not too fast sweetheart.

Yikes!! Sahur time!!!

Long day...

Hubby's got a call from his mechanic this morning informing that his car is ready for pick-up. At last he's finally getting back his baby. Hahah.. Well, good news for him but not so good news to me. I have to accompany him all the way to Rawang and drive back Hilux to Klang. Haiyak! It has been quite some time since I drove quite a long distance with the kids. The furthest I've gone without a co-driver was to TTDI. And now from Rawang? I pray Hani will fall asleep along the way.
So I had to get everyone ready for the trip. I had to clear the piling dishes before leaving. Cook lunch for the kids. Pack food, diaper bag, etc. By 1 pm, we're ready to go. The route to Rawang was clear since it's a public holiday for Selangor. Nuzul Qur'an. So traffic was fine. But I realized that as we were closing in to the destination, I was getting seriously sleepy. Not good at all! I was falling asleep by the second. I can barely open my eyes. Told Hubby and he was not happy. I hope there'll be place where I can wash up a bit to get rid of it. Hehehe...
Once we arrived, Hubby got out to test drive his car. While waiting I took as short nap. When Hubby got back, he went in and sat in the driver's side and told me there was a misunderstanding. The car was ready to go home yet! Hahaha...!!! I was saved! I felt sorry fot Hubby though. I knew he has been so patient waiting for this. The good news he can take it home by this Friday. Cheered him up a bit. So instead of me driving from Rawang, I'll be driving home from his office. It was too late for him to send me back and drive to work anyway. We stopped at R&R Sungai Buluh for Zuhur. Actually Imran pooped so we had to stop earlier. Huhuhu...
After sending him off, I drove to Tesco to stock up groceries and dairies. Wanted to get supplies for baking but cancelled cause it'll be a better deal to go straight to the baking supplier closer to my place. Shopping done, went home and started to cook for Iftar. By 8 pm I was so tired. I have regain my respect that has been lost in time for the long distance drive that Hubby has been dealing all these years. IT'S DANG TIRING!!! I have vowed to myself I will do my best not to nag him about not helping me out at home when he got back from work. Hahaha... I have now remembered the exhaustion of driving. Especially during the day. Man, I remember the day I almost hit the back of a lorry on the way to work three years ago.
So here I was trying to get some rest before getting ready to pick-up Hubby at midnight. That's right. I'll be dragging my kids for a midnight drive to TPM. Huhuhu.. Fortunately, Hani did not make a huge fuss. SHe did make a fuss, it was under control. Plus she was tired too! As for Imran, after all the theme song guessing, he went to sleep too. Guess he was tired of the ride too. Since both fell asleep, the trip to Nathan's Puchong was cancelled. I wanted to get hold of the cheese naan. But Something went wrong with my fried kueytiaw that I had to give up the idea of stuffing myself.
Arrive home safe and sound. Hubby's downstairs cathing up on CSI:Miami. Both Imran and Hani has gone to La-la-Land. And here I am craving for cakes. Oh wait! I bought a whole chocolate frosting mini cake from King's Confectionary. That'll do!

Monday, 15 September 2008

Iftar at AEON Bukit Tinggi

At last I have found the place where I could get hold of a heavenly delicious tom yam. To my taste bud at least. At Black Canyon Coffee right outside my doorstep. Hah! Way out of line... Not exactly doorstep. But it is a walking distance from my house since I have given it a go with Imran and Hani. Hihihi....
Anyway, I found a very nice dress for Hani in Brands Outlet. Raya hunting is over, for now. Unless I can get hold of a cheap sandals for Hani, the current shoes will do. Does not really go well with dresses and Baju Kurung, but it'll do. As for me, I just need to remind myself to send my garment for dry cleaning. And pick-up Hubby's Baju Melayu and songkok at MIL's place. We've bought the ironing board. Again, finally!! Hahaha... I've been ironing my tudung and clothes on the floor!! Ever since we sold off the business, I don't have the luxury of someone to iron my clothes. I don't ate ironing. But I do hate ironing without the proper equipment. Especially when it cause pain in the you-know-what. Hahaha..
Next I'm going to start on my culinary skills for raya meal. I've never cooked rendang before. Well, that's a lie. I used to help my mom cook rendang but that was like 5 years ago. Ever since I got married, I have been at lost with cooking. I'm trying to get back on track. So far I have had the good and the bad. The good part is I can do a campak-apa-yang-ada-dalam-fridge meal. But when it comes to recipees from books and website, it depends on the ingredients. At some point, I had to throw away the whole thing because it was inedible and I wanted to give up cooking gourmet meals. Hubby was not so encouraging. Those who knows him would understand his sarcasm. Hehehe...
Well, I have to plan for this week iftar. Hubby's still on afternoon shift. I've got chicken wings, cencaru, minced beef, sardin and medium-size shrimps. Guess I'm good then. Hihihi...

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Raya Shopping III

Once Hubby got off his work-from-home at 3 pm, I got myself and the kids ready for another shopping trip before heading to SA for iftar with his family. Right after Asar we were on our way to Mydin Summit. It was where MIL said there's loads of selections for kids. To my dissapointment, the choices was not so encouraging. I'm not the kind of mother who like to dress up kids with glittering garments. Neither is my MIL. And why would anyone wants to put on garments with lining and seriously uncomfortable for kids who would end tearing every pieces of the outfit. If you're not going to put up with it, why should your kids.
Anyway, I have to accept the fact I won't be buying my kids the traditional clothes because MIL already bought them. Besides, I can still get to dress them up with casual clothes. Maybe, just maybe next year I'll get the chance to do both. Hehehe....
But with all the frustration, we did find a nice sampin for Imran. Though it seems quite tight in tummy area, but Hubby said it'll do. Since the bigger size was too big for him. I ended up with 2 long shawls. 2 for RM10. Hehe.. Thought of getting myself a new Baju Kurung, but immediately changed my mind. I've got too many Baju Kurung already. Need to get rid of some before started buying one. Hubby got himself 2 sets of Baju Melayu buttons. I have no idea where his old sets has gone. Must be somewhere in the boxes I have yet to unpack. Hahaha.. Yes, I still have boxes to unpack. See how lazy I am?

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Bedrest sucks!

My father has been admitted for the 100th time for his chest pain. He was diagnosed with heart problem since 2001. He has went for don't know how many angiogram. And few more procedures. He has then quit smoking, learn to control his never ending appetite and adventurous activities. The final blow given somewhere end of last year, where the doctor from IJN confirmed that he needs to do a bypass. No wait, the more accurate procedure was, a triple bypass. That's right. He has 3 major blockage. Youch!!!!
We're still waiting for the call. His next check-up is in December. Have yet to confirm the surgery. My father hates surgery. He can't stand the idea of cutting your body to get better. Then again, if there was any other way, obviously we would have chose that. Although the problem is my father does not really appreciate alternative medicine. He's a litle bit skeptical with it.
Anyway, as of now he needs to be on total bedrest for 3 nights. For my father, that sucks BIG time! He's the kind of man who has problem with being idle. I found out from my mother that he just bought RM5.00 worth of newspapers to read. One thing about him, he does not read books, magazine and any other reading materials other than newspaper. I can't imagine having to read the same news on different papers could be any better than reading one lousy book.
Well, he's be in KL starting on Monday next week until Friday. I'll get the chance to see him then. Hopefully he'll listen to what I have to nag about. Hahaha!!!!

Walk-in closet pt 3

I owe this to CT.. sorry the late post. Hehehe.. And Hubby was the one who took these photos. And turns out not so easy to take photos in closed space. Need to learn photography from Zana. Can you clear your schedule for classes, darling?

When Mummy falls sick...

Daddy would say, you need to take a rest. A good rest will make it a lot better. But he does not say out loud is.... Since he has to go to work, please make sure the kids taken their shower, dressed and fed. The house needs to be presentable at all time. And please make sure there's food on the table because he'll be hungry when he comes home.
I am down with a cold and I can't just rest due to house chores and the kids to take care of. Hubby was already at the office by the time the cold got worse. So there's nothing much to do. You know you're in trouble when everytime you sneezes, you peed. Some of you may only have this problem during pregnancy. I guess I have something pressing my bladder even though I'm not pregnant. hahaha.. I seriously need to do Pap Smear.
And here is our living room with the new sofa from Recliners and Sofa. At last Hubby can relax after a long day at the office. Huhuuh!!!

The entertainment area. See how comfortable Hani is?

The separator from adult and kids area. See the mess?! That's the culprit.

Play area for the kids. Ignore the mess. Hahah!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

I've been tagged!

This is my first tag. Thanks to CT. Hehehe.... Here goes...

1. Were you named after anyone?
Nope. Though my second name was given by my uncle. I think.

2. When was the last time you cried?
Can't remember. But definitely recently.

3. Do you like your handwriting?
Hahaha... Better than Hubby's handwriting.

4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
Favourite? I'm a carnivore.. I adores beef and lamb. Hah!

5. Do you have kids?
Yes, I do. A boy and a girl.

6. If you were another person would you be friends with you?
Definitely. Hihihi...

7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Have to. Defend mechanism when confronting Hubby. Hahah!!!

8. Do you still have your tonsils?
No idea. Need to check with my physician.

9. Would you bungee jump?

10. What is your favorite cereal?
Coco Crunch.

11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

12. Do you think you are strong?

13. What is your favorite ice cream?
Not into ice cream.

14. What is the first thing you notice about people?

15. Red or pink?

16. What is the least favorite thing you like about yourself?
Making a big issue out of nothing. Hah!

17. Who do you miss the most?
My family.

18. Do you want everyone to send this back to you?

19. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
No shoes. Black shorts.

20. What was the last thing you ate?
Moon cake from Bee's Bakery.

21. What are you listening to right now?
The irritating sounds from my CPU.

22. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Why would I want to be a crayon?

23. Favorite smells?
My armpit?? Hahahah!!!!!!

24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Some lady wanted to give free hotel vouchers.

25. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
Of course! We just got back in touch through blogs.

26. Favorite sports to watch?

27. Hair color?

28. Eye color?
I think they're black.

29. Do you wear contacts?
Does glasses counts?

30. Favorite food?
No favours. Anything goes.

31. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Definitely.

32. Last movie you watched?
Some movie playing on Astro.

33. What color shirt are you wearing?
Mud Green t-shirt.

34. Summer or winter?
Summer. I hate winter. Hahaha...

35. Hugs or kisses?

36. Favorite dessert?

37. Most likely to respond?

38 Least likely to respond?
Again.. Huh?

39 What book are you reading now?
Jigsaw books - Big Trucks.

40. What is on your mouse pad?
Don't have one.

41. What did you watch on t.v. last night?
Last night?? CSI:Miami

42. Favorite sound?
The sound of music. Hahah!!

43. Rolling stones or beatles?

44. What is the furthest you have been from home?

45. Do you have a special talent?
Hahah... Does singing out of tune counts?

46. Where were you born?
Hospital bed.

47. Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back?
To those who wants to answer these questions.. be my guest!!!

The super cute twins!

The 5-year-old twins, Upin Dan Ipin has been in my mind since they first appear on TV9 last year. Unfortunately due to the time and day of the show, I have missed most of the episodes. Now they broadcast the previous episodes on their official website. If only I can get Hubby to get the DVD so that I can let Imran enjoy them as much as I do.

Raya Shopping II

No, we have not done our raya shopping. Last weekend we went to Damansara instead to get sofa set for the living room. Hubby got pretty bored with the day-bed sofa we currently have. Hehehe.. Can't complaint much though. We finally bough a sofa set from Recliners and Sofa. Waiting it to be delivered on Friday. I'll update that later.
I was kind of excited thinking this would be the year I get to choose my kids Raya outfit. For the last 2 years, MIL has been buying his Baju Melayu. I never got the chance to but him either due to problem with size or color. I did get the chance to buy a songkok. Hah! I was looking forward for it. Especially when MIL offered to take me to PKNS Shah Alam. Here was I waiting for her call when all of the sudden she arrived at my place with food for buka puasa and sahur, when she told me, she has already bought both Imran's and Hani's raya outfit. Ggrr..!! Why??!!! I wanted to lash out to Hubby but there's no point on lashing out on him anyway. It's not his fault. But I was curious how did she know what color theme to get. I don't remember telling her that. Hmm.. did Hubby..? Nevermind. Hubby did told me we can still get another outfit if I wanted to. With his work schedule and Jengka trip, I doubt it. Just need to do some fixing on Hani's Baju Kurung sleeves and we're good to go. However we still need to get Imran a songkok and sampin. Hopefully we have the time and energy to do just that.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Awards.. con't

I want to dedicate the awards in previous post to my loyal all my friends, readers and visitors.... So there!

dB, Zana, Vzen, MQ, Sity, Anne, etc.. etc.. etc...

Hopefully they'll notice this post. Have a good week everyone!!!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008


Apparently there's so many blog awards nowadays. And a very big THANK YOU to my friend CT for awarding me with these beautiful awards. I'm kinda occupie right now, because Hani just woke up. I'll update the tags later.....

Monday, 8 September 2008


While waiting for Hubby, I was sitting on a bench while trying to entertain Hani being restless in her stroller. Imran was enjoying his chocolate doughtnut sitting next to me. Then came a father and his baby boy joined me on the bench.
After a while, I picked up Hani and made her face the baby. That's when the conversation started.....

Father : Tgk abg tuh.. tanya abg.. ngape abg nangis? (Look at the nice big brother.. why was he crying..?)
Me: *trying very hard to control myself..* Ermm... ni kakak ni.. bukan abg. (She's a girl. Not a boy.)
Father : Ooo okay.. kakak rupanyer.(oo.. she's girl.) *trying hard to control himself from contuning his comment..*
Me : *smile*

Then we continued with the same friendly talk. How old is your baby.. bla.. bla bla...

But one thing kept lingering within my thought. WHY WOULD I DRESS MY BABY IN A GIRLY PINK TOP IF HE'S A BOY!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Raya Shopping

Alhamdulillah.. We have come to the seventh day of fasting. So far so good. No problem with feeding and gastric. Hehehe.. There a 'hikmah' Allah has given for those with gastric problems. It gives us the chance to neutralize all those toxic intake. Hahaha...
As per title I have to plan for Raya preparation. For the kids especially. Then again what do they understand about these things. Imran can barely understand the 'duit' raya' concept. Blame me for that. As for Hani... well... Nothing to elaborate there. She just turned one last month. Give her a break. Hehehe... Due to Hubby's work demand and going back to my parent's, we only have today to do the shopping. I'm not too keen on doing the seriously last minute shopping. I'll end up with ridiculous result based on previous experience. I need to get a new pair of Baju Melayu, songkok and sampin for Imran and a pair of Baju Kurung for Hani. Maybe 2.. if the price is all right. We'll see.
As for me, I'll have Baju Kurungs from previous year. Maybe I should get myself a Baju Kebaya instead. If I can find one in my size. Being plus size with belly does not help in any way possible. And I despise the thought of buying fabric and having it tailored. Why?? The tailoring charges are outrages!! I'd rather get a ready-made Baju Kurung tha spending RM100 for a nice pair of Kebaya. Cheapskate right?? I know, I am. Huhuhu... Maybe I should listen to my sister. Send it to some urban village for tailoring services. They charge much cheaper!
No new Baju Melayu for Hubby too. This year we're spending for the kids. And perhaps splurge a little bit on the house. If only we can find the perfect set of sofa with a seriously cheap price. Wonder if Recliners and Sofa having Raya Sales? If they're having 80% discount. I'm definitely bringing one set home today.
The sun has come out... I need to take a nap before I start my shopping spree. Groceries first, then lunch for Imran and Hani. Then, shopping time! Still deciding where to go.

Oh yes.. one more thing. Hani is walking!! Finally... Now we're waiting for teething signs. Hahaha.. One-year old girl with no teeth. Well, I'm in no rush. She has been biting a lot nowadays. Still bearable and she seems to know when to stop. With her temper, I think I want to it wait a little bit longer. HA HA HA!

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

New business blog

Thank you to my friends, I am now trying out a sales blog. I'm helping out my sister in selling Tudung Bawal and blouses. Feel free to drop by at my new site!!

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Am I prepared..

Hubby dropped a bomb yesterday night. He suggested that I tried looking for a job. A good paying job. Well, to be honest, I have been so comfortable being a stay at home mother, it's not exactly encouraging to leave everything and get into the rat race again. But I can understand his frustration when it comes to finance. I have a financial burden. My student loan. Hubby asked me if I can create an income enough to pay off the debt. It's not entirely his frustration. I have been slightly depressed every time I'm reminded of the fact I have no financial freedom. Not by him. By the small things appearing right in front of me at the very wrong moment.
We went out to pasar Ramadhan when we passed by Q-dees kindergarten nearby PIL's place. All of the sudden Hubby said something about sending Imran there. I went along thinking it was just something passing by his mind. Hehhe.. I joked about how MIL can pick him up after school when he mentioned about me going back to work. I was stunned. When I asked about Hani, well, immediate response, MIL. Obviously that would be the first answer. Then I kept quiet.... Speechless. I knew this wll come out. But not this soon.
I have been unemployed for 3 years. This does not include the time I spent at the laundry shop for more than 2 years without generating any income. I'm at lost with current medias. What's hot and what's not. My degree?? Hahaha.. Not exactly the work that I'm interested in. I do have 2 years experience as Global Support Executive in a data centre. My skills for the past 3 years...? Hahahahah..... What a joke. I'm prepared to go through another job interview. Oh wait.. I have until Raya to figure this out. Maybe.. just maybe, I'll be ready by then.