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Sunday, 3 August 2008

Puzzles Obsession

Ever since we've moved the computer upstairs, I've been trying to get Imran involved with other activities. Current obsession, puzzles. Jigsaw puzzle. Somehow he can sit still doing puzzles. Hubby bought Disney-Pixar Cars 48x3 puzzle from London for him. He also got another 2 sets of 48 pieces puzzle of Looney Toons and Winnie the Pooh. Not forgetting the Noddy jigsaw puzzle book. He can do the puzlles quite well without any help. I'm still amazed of his total attention he puts into finishing the puzzle. You see, this is a boy that could never sit still.(even in his sleep he'll kept tossing). He's always and I really mean always up to something. So to see him being able to sit still and kept his lips close for a moment was bliss. Families have been giving me comments regarding Imran's lack of attention span. They kept saying he's hyper-active. I don't believe my son is hyper-active. Then again, which mom would admit to that. Unless of course the diagnose comes from very legit source. Hehehe... But seriously, do you think a hyperactive child could sit still for more than half an hour to do puzzles?? Don't think so. He's just found something he loves to do. He can get bored very easy. Glad I have puzzles to keep him company. Dealing with the aftermath mess is just another.. well.. at least my son is happy. Can't say the same for Hani though. Imran now knows not to do puzzles when Hani's around. Hahaha...


Zuraimah Ismail said...

good activity..mess after tu xyah nak ckpla anis oii..:) anyway, its a good activity to keep his right brains connected..:)

Zuraimah Ismail said...
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Anonymous said...

whoa, he can do a 48 piece? i can't even imagine nunu doing a 4 piece without her munching on the puzzles!

hmm... you think they sell edible puzzles or not?

anishussein said...

ct: haha.. mmg jenuh aku nak ngemas umah.. last2 give up jek.. heheh... tp dia phm dah.. lepas main kena simpan.. kalu x abis ilang puzzle..

anne: caught me by surprise too!! the pixar puzzles are like 20 sen coins size... and he'll just sit there focusing on finishing them. edible puzzles?? heheh...why dont try making them? u know.. bake sumthing like a cookie and cut out to weird pieces.. im sure nunu will definitely luurrrrvveee that! heheh...

deathBerry said...

lepas ni ajar dia main sudoku plak.
(no sarcasm attached)
